Organizations need to evolve as a result of disruptive technology, digitalization, and increased customer demands. But how can you start the shift and put yourself in the best possible position for the future?
The European Digital Innovation Hub Schleswig-Holstein (EDIH.SH) offers individual solutions for innovation and digitalisation projects. We work with small or medium-sized companies and public administration organisations. You can determine your potential, create solutions, test innovations, train your employees, and network with us.
All our services are free for SME and public administration organisations.
The EDIH.SH—the innovation ecosystem for sustainable, long-term digital innovation and solutions
Diverse competencies, ideas, creativity, and technological knowledge collide here. We will assist you in fully utilising the opportunities provided by digitalization. Our focus areas are:
The European Digital Innovation Hub Schleswig-Holstein is funded by the European Union and the Ministerium for Economy, Transport, Work, Technology, and Tourism of the State of Schleswig-Holstein.